The Truth? I Found It In a Trash Can: How Designer Mounting Components Make Anything Look Good.


Designers that have successful careers usually have a few tricks up their sleeves. An often overlooked detail is the type of mounting components being used for displays and exhibits. In 2017 Gyford Standoff Systems debuted a new trade show booth complete with museum style display towers housing mounting component configurations and samples. One of the exhibits featured a display sized plank-wood background that almost looks like a miniature wooden shipping pallet. On this background was mounted an LED illuminated acrylic sign. At every exposition this exhibit has been shown at, a designer will ask where the wood background was sourced. The honest answer is a trash can. Most attendees at the show don’t believe the answer, but it is true.

Simply speaking, using designer mounting components makes anything look more up-scale and appealing. When well-designed mounting components are incorporated into the overall design of a sign or exhibit the entire installation benefits. Ordinary objects take on new life and are seen as an exhibit and example of the type of product rather than just something in the back of a storage unit. Additionally, using these components improve the overall value perception of the space and ultimately the organization.

To supercharge your exhibit design check out the application galleries at and call 775-829-7272

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